Caritas Care

Faces of Fostering – Sharon on Training and supporting Foster Carers

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Faces of Fostering – Sharon on Training and supporting Foster Carers

Training and support to help foster carers give the best outcomes for children.

We offer a lot of training to foster carers. I deliver training to foster carers and also help facilitate the adoption and fostering preparation training. I have given training to birth children collectively, and sometimes as 1:1 training because it helps people understand the roles we all have in caring for children. Some training courses are mandatory and are essential skills for when you have a child in placement. We also offer training opportunities for foster carers that are specific to each placed child.

The children see me as a part of their world, and I am proud of their trust in me.

Many people see me as a very confident person, and I often don’t get phased by things; however, I often struggle to accept compliments and praise. What I do is not just my job, it is my role, and subsequently, I give it over 100%. I’m not good at blowing my own trumpet; I guess the children do that for me through their engagement and enthusiasm. Also, I have no problem wearing silly hats and dressing up or getting stuck in on adventure pursuits with the children. The children see me as part of their world, in all my guises and always as someone they know they can trust.

It’s important to us you see who is behind the scenes at Caritas Care!

Foster care is in my family as my sister and brother-in-law are foster carers. We are aware of the negative comments around fostering; thus, it is why I support this campaign and have offered to be #FacesofFostering April for Caritas Care. It is vital that see all the sides of Caritas Care because we work behind the scenes to help you understand the dedicated support we proudly offer to all children.

Every person at Caritas Care is unique, as is every child.

Each person involved in providing care and support as foster carers for children is unique.  George Barker portrays the elements of what he offers as a male carer, and Anella is bringing to the table about LGBT and sexuality for children. Anella speaks of social media and its influence on children; it is all very relevant. The article of the two Jayne’s talked about friendships made, not just for the children but also for foster carers together as people. They are a welcome part of the Caritas Care Fostering family. In a way, we are all saying, this is what we do, and we are so passionate about Caritas Care and the children we support.

You can read more stories from Sharon HERE

Click here to enquire about fostering with Caritas Care


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