Caritas Care

Emily’s 10k personal best raises £420!

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Emily’s 10k personal best raises £420!

We would like to firstly congratulate Emily Lewis on achieving her Personal Best time of 1:08:20 whilst undertaking a 10k run to raise money for Caritas Care’s FX Service. 

The FX service offers a wide range of fun, stimulating activities for people with profound learning disabilities. Emily’s brother was born with severe cerebral palsy, has benefited from attending this service for several years.

Emily was hoping to have taken part in the annual Blackpool 10k run that takes place every July, which was unavoidably cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  However Emily didn’t let the cancellation of this event get in her way, so on 12 July 2020, she decided to travel to Blackpool and run the route anyway!

Emily had a surprise greeting at her finishing line from her family and friends who had all come along to support her.

Emily said, “I can’t believe I’ve raised over £400 and hit a personal best too! I’ve been blown over with the support I’ve received – I loved the surprise at the finish line from my close family and friends.  I’m so pleased.

Jo Dunkley, FX Service Manager said “I want to give a huge thank you to Emily for her wonderful fundraising efforts and her determination to carry on even when the main event was unable to go ahead.

£420.00 is an amazing amount of money, which we are extremely grateful to receive.  We are now exploring options of what we want to buy for our young people to help make their experience with the FX service even more enjoyable…thank you!”

Pictured Emily at the finish line and with her supporters.

If you want to take part in a fundraising activity for Caritas Care or follow in Emily’s footsteps to challenge yourself to a short or long distance run to help one our service, contact is here

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