Caritas Care

David uses his life’s experiences to help others.

Creating chances, choices & opportunities for people
to live the best lives they can.

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David uses his life’s experiences to help others.

David took to leading 13 teenagers like a duck to water. However, at first glance it would never have seemed possible.

David’s first prison sentence came at the age of 49; his violent and aggressive personality fuelled by alcohol, the precursor.

David spent a lifetime using and abusing alcohol to address problems and relationship issues in his life.  His road to recovery and getting his life back on track wasn’t plain sailing and there were several relapses on the way.  The support provided by ACE offered him a platform and pathway to help him make new and positive decisions, building his confidence and self-esteem on the way.

Becoming an Ambassador for ACE through the project’s MAP (Members After Prison) Group was a lifeline and allowed David to take on new responsibilities.

Through the MAP group, David reconnected with responsibility he showed leadership skills when working with young people who were at risk of offending. He was trusted by staff to undertake the Ambassador role he saw as his way to make a difference to others.

Sharon Smith, ACE Service Manager said, “David is the example of putting the involvement and participation of the service user first. His relationships are now strong and he has left a fantastic legacy with the project.

We know he takes into full time employment a great set of skills and understanding to help others. David is now a shift manager for a homeless hostel.

David has also developed a passion for walking and sees this a factor in supporting his mental health and wellbeing.

We are so proud of what David has achieved and the extraordinary journey he has been on to make a positive difference to his life and the lives of others.”

If you want to find out more about the work we do at ACE click HERE

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